Exploring Exoplanets
Exploring Exoplanets is an art exhibition based on the scientific results of the CHAMELEON network.
Exploring Exoplanets is an art exhibition based on the scientific results of the CHAMELEON network.
SEADS (Space Ecologies Art and Design) is a transdisciplinary and cross-cultural collective of artists, scientists, engineers and activists.
A group of interdisciplinary projects with the goal to tackle future problems already today.
Together with 3 friends, I co-founded the MEME. Every January, the MEME presents memes about exoplanet science, astrophysics and student life.
A collaboration between writers and exoplanet scientists to create short stories, poems and radio plays based on contemporary research.
ARIS is the rocket team of ETH Zuerich. In 2019, I was the payload team leader and we won 2nd place.
The Astrowche is an observation camp on Diavolezza at 3000m where we tried to observe stellar clusters during a snow storm.
Writing stories and bringing them to life has always been a fascination of mine. With Dungeons and Dragons I have a way to live it.
TeamDerpalert was an amateur game development team that started from a high school project.
The SYPT is an annual competition where high school students have to prepare, conduct and present a physics experiment.
The early career scinetists of the CHAMELEON network organised two retreats during which we presented our science, collaborated on projects and enjoyed presentations of external speakers. I was part of the orgnaisation committee and helped organise the two events.
The CHAMELEON network consists of 15 early stage researchers (ESRs). The Mental health representatives are responsible for gathering mental health concerns of the ESR and bringing important concerns to the attention of the supervisor. Furthermore, they organise regular mental health meetings and events to talk about and improve the mental health of the ESRs.
The CHAMELEON network consists of 15 early stage researchers (ESRs). The ESR representative has the responsibility to represent the interests of the ESRs towards the supervisors and function as the contact points between both. Furthermore, they organise the monthly research network meetings.
After the first successful installment of the MEME, we decided to continue and make it an annual event. I became, and continue to be, the project manager.
Working on a rocket during a competition is a stressful and demanding task. It was my responsibility to enforce all safety procedures, check that everyone working in the desert is well hydrated and enforcing breaks for people who were unfit for work.
Awards: "Honorable mention for Safety"
I was founder and project manger of our amateur game development team TeamDerpalert. I kept this diverse and volatile team of high school students on track.
During high school, I was elected to be a member of DU2. This committee was created after a poll revealed that the overall happiness of students at the school only reached a 3 out of 4. In this committee, we discussed various improvements to the school system and events that could help boost morale and happiness of all students.